Tangmere, Sussex, July 1944. In front of a Spitfire IX of 332 (Norwegian) Squadron, a standard 45-gallon jettison tank is filled with PA ale for flying over to Normandy while an RAF ‘erk’ writes a cheery message on the tank.
18th June 2015 Pre-War Prescott is a month today! And with the number of people already booked in for the evening Battle of Britain Victory Party, we’ve ordered additional beer supplies to be flown in! The initial batch of Pre-War Prescott tickets will be posted in bulk to the UK at the end of next week for onward posting locally, so if you have already entered for any of the weekend’s events, expect your tickets to arrive by the end of the month. For entries arriving from this point, a second mailing will be scheduled, and for very late entries, these will be processed in the UK. However, if you won’t know until the day if you can make it or not, then you will be able to pay at the gate, BUT you won’t receive your free climb, and you also run the risk that all climbs will be sold out, so better to book in advance if you can.