8th July 2015 We have had several first-time entrants asking what time their climbs will be. Its entirely up to you! The hill opens for climbs at ten, closes for an hour for lunch and then closes for the day at four. Once you have attended one of the safety briefings that take place at regular intervals throughout the day (and any passengers you take must also attend a briefing), you will receive a wrist band which gives you access to the start line. Then it is entirely your choice when to take to the hill. What usually happens is that everyone gets chatting and looking around in the morning and then there’s a mad traffic jam at the Paddock exit to the start line around 3-30! So we try to keep the hill well fed with cars in the morning so that everyone has a chance to take their climbs by the time the hill closes. If we can keep the hill marshals busy all day, and we have no red flags, we can squeeze in 450 to 475 climbs during the day. This year we will be using the long course all day – its somewhat counterintuitive, but we can get climbs in at a faster rate on the long course than is possible with the short course. As of this morning, we have distributed 401 climbs, so we’re getting close to capacity. So if you haven’t entered yet, we strongly suggest you do so immediately if you want to climb the hill!